
Free knitted triangle prayer shawl



Adding this back into the list ....


I'll figure it out another time.  This place is still a mess.


Cleaning up this site.

I am going to put all the blogs that I follow in Bloglovin' and other servers that I know about up here in the next few months.

My plan is to knit, and to update this blog so that it's USEFUL again.

Starting with this one...

A Quiet Girl's Musings....


Elephant's Eye has moved

You can find Diana's newest Blog HERE


Another new blog

A Change in the Wind Blog

I'm not sure of the category, but I'll Plug it in soon. 


Color dyeing with food safe dyes

I've started adding links to food safe dyeing pages, starting with two from a poster in Ravelry who kindly shared them in the Sock Blank Artist's forum.  These are important resources because I'm going off the deep end going to start dyeing yarn this summer in a small way.  Nothing big, just a bit of yarn for socks here and there.    Some resources are from Knitty.com.  If you are in Ravelry, come see what we are up to. well, not me because my baby steps haven't carried me very far yet. 
At long last, I've finally been able to log into my favorite sewing site, Stitcher's Guild, And so I'm rebuilding that list of blogs again. 

Happily, I'm starting to sew this summer, mostly purses but a few garments, too.  The Sewing room/studio still looks like a tailor's shop, but that can't really change.  I guess it's just going to have to be part of it's "charm".